Trinity UNited Methodist Church
Josh Munnikhuysen, PASTOR
Pastor Josh was appointed to Trinity UMC in July of 2018.
This is his 3rd appointment in the Virginia Conference. He grew up in the hustle of Northern Virginia, met his wife in Richmond, and has served churches in Smith Mountain Lake and rural Southern Virginia.
His call to pastoral ministry was somewhere between "Jonah & Abraham". He was an active lay member of a congregation and paying the bills as a cabinet maker, when in a holy and terrifying season God called him to leave the familiar and serve him. Pastor Josh did the only natural thing and doubled down in the opposite direction. Our Lord is patient and lovingly lead him to leave the familiar and enter an adventure leaving home and woodworking behind.
In his free time, Josh enjoys live music, hiking, and spending time with his wife of 20 years and three teenage kids.

Trinity United Methodist Church is a part of a world-wide communion of United Methodists, and those who share a common story that is birthed in Wesleyan renewal movements of 18th century England.
The United Methodist Church has many doors through which people share in love God and others. We desire to be a place where all can find God's purpose for our lives, worship God with enthusiasm and heart-felt devotion, grow in our faith, and serve others in our community and across the globe. You are always welcome here.
We focus on Word & Sacrament, announcing the good news of God's gracious love in the person and work of Jesus Christ. We practice the means of grace, that our lives would be informed and transformed by God's gracious acts. We share this good news in word and deed in our local community by setting prisoners free, healing the sick, and eating with sinners.
Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel. Where that seed takes root, we nurture discipleship, practice mercy, justice and joy.
540-672-3544 (Office)